Conference Presentations

Cebulski, A. C. and Pomeroy, J. W. (2023). The Influence of Meteorology on Snow Interception Processes. American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, California, United States of America (Poster, regional, PhD work).

Cebulski, A. C. and Pomeroy, J. W. (2023). New Observations of Snow Interception Processes in a Windswept Subalpine Environment. Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (Poster, regional, PhD work).

Cebulski, A. C. and Pomeroy, J. W. (2023). Snow Interception Processes and Prediction in a Windswept Subalpine Environment. Canadian Geophysical Union. Banff, Alberta, Canada (Oral, regional, PhD work).

Cebulski, A. C. and Pomeroy, J. W. (2022). Snow Interception Processes and Prediction in a Windswept Subalpine Environment. International Glaciological Society - International Symposium on Snow. Davos, Switzerland. (Oral, international, PhD work).

Butman, D., McNicol, G., Giesbrecht, I., Tank, S., Hood, E. W., Floyd, B. C., Lung, J. L., D’Amore, D., McSorely, H., Cebulski, A. C., Trubilowicz, J. W., Oliver, A., Fylpaa, C., Fellman, J., Frazer, G. W., Lally, A. S., and Arriola, S. G. (2020). Carbon Export from the Pacific Northwest Coastal Rainforest Margin. American Geophysical Union Meeting. Online. (Poster, international, data analyst work at VIU).

Cebulski, A. C., Floyd, B. C., Trubilowicz, J. W., D’Amore, D., Bidlack, A. (2019). Quantifying freshwater discharge into the Pacific Ocean from southeast Alaska to northern California using a distributed hydrological model. MABRRI Regional Research Conference. Parksville, BC. (Oral, regional, data analyst work at VIU)

Cebulski, A. C., Desloges, J. R. (2018). The Glaciolacustrine Sediment Record of Cariboo Lake, BC: Implications for Holocene Fluvial and Glacial Watershed Dynamics. Joint meeting of the Canadian and American Quaternary Associations. Ottawa, ON. (Oral, international, MSc work)

Cebulski, A. C., Enanga, E., Creed, I (2016). Quantifying the Carbon Sequestration of Restored Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape of Southern Ontario. World Wetland Day Conference. Waterloo, ON. (Poster, international, undergraduate work)