
PhD candidate studying snow accumulation in mountain forests at the University of Saskatchewan’s Centre for Hydrology in Canmore, AB.

Selected Projects


Cebulski, A and Desloges, J. R. (2024). The Influence of Fluvial and Glacial Watershed Dynamics on Holocene Sediment Accumulation in Cariboo Lake, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. LINK

McNicol, G, Hood, E, Butman, DE, Tank, SE, Giesbrecht, IJW, Floyd, W, D’Amore, D, Fellman, JB, Cebulski, A, Lally, A, McSorley, H, Arriola, SG. (2023). Small, coastal temperate rainforest watersheds dominate dissolved organic carbon transport to the northeast Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. LINK


CHRL-weather-data | A website to visualize hydrometeorological data for the Vancouver Island University - Coastal Hydrology Research Lab network of weather stations | 2020

CCRN-weather-data | A website to visualize hydrometeorological data for the University of Saskatchewan - Cold Regions Hydrological Observatory network of weather stations | 2021

R Packages

weatherdash | Methods for weather dashboards | 2022

wxlogR | For working with hydrometeorological station data logger readouts | 2021
psychRomet | Collection of Equations for Psychrometric Calculations | 2021